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As community members, we are deeply committed to ensuring the proper upkeep, maintenance, and accessibility of our beloved local neighborhood park. The mission of FOR is to passionately advocate for our park, addressing current maintenance needs, making necessary repairs, and implementing enhancements to ensure its continued accessibility and sustainability for the years ahead.


While our collective effort has demonstrated a willingness to contribute to specific projects, the reality remains that, as neighbors, we will be unable to raise the substantial funds necessary to address current challenges, such as the condemned carriage house on the verge of collapse and structural issues like cracking and leaning walls, as well as those that are bound to emerge in the future.


This underscores the vital importance of the Town fulfilling its commitment to provide fair and equitable financial support to Robson Harrington Park, in accordance with the agreement made when the Town assumed responsibility for the park.


Maintenance and Repairs:


Since our formation and our commencement of advocating for the park, there has been notable progress in maintenance and repairs. However, there remains a significant amount of work yet to be accomplished.


Carriage House Status Report: The carriage house has been in a condemned state for over two years, and during this time, it has seen considerable deterioration. It is now in need of either complete demolition or extensive repairs.




What enhancements are necessary for the park? A common request has been for a playground, which was initially stipulated in the original agreement and is also outlined in the Master Plan. What is the Town's current position on this matter, and where does the funding stand? How can FOR contribute to this effort?

Lower Yard Terraces

The beautiful stone walls and terrace areas above the BBQ area will be cleared and beautified

This is our park!

There are so many exciting future projects that we can do together as a community!

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Future Projects

If you are a "Friend of Robson" reach out and ask us how you can become involved and help us define and scope future projects!

Looks great!  How can I help?

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